If you elected a Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account and consistently use the same provider for your dependent care, you may be eligible to apply for a recurring reimbursement. This will save you the hassle of submitting documentation* or a Reimbursement Form each time you pay your provider. Once recurring reimbursements are in place, a reimbursement check will automatically be sent to you when the funds post to your FSA account (minimum reimbursements will apply).
You may also want to consider adding direct deposit in addition to your Recurring Reimbursement Form, which allows funds to automatically be transferred from your FSA to the checking or savings account specified, for the most hassle-free experience. No minimum amounts will apply; funds will be deposited directly into the checking/savings account you specify as soon as they post to your FSA account.
* Remember: Documentation must be retained for your records and provided to Discovery Benefits when requested.
New to Recurring Reimbursement?
If you recently signed up for a Discovery Benefits Dependent Care FSA through Discount Tire, you may be eligible to start a recurring reimbursement for your Dependent Care. This will allow you to automatically receive reimbursement without having to submit a request form or documentation for each reimbursement. To start, you will need to complete a Recurring Dependent Care Request Form.
Be sure to:
- Complete all form fields marked as required (*).
- Confirm your payroll deductions are less than your daycare costs per week.
- Have your dependent care provider sign the form to confirm they have verified the dependent name, start date, end date and cost per week.
If you would like to skip having to deposit the checks each time a reimbursement payment is made, you may also want to consider setting up direct deposit in addition to your recurring reimbursement. This allows the funds to be deposited directly into the checking/savings account you specify.
Continuing Recurring Reimbursement?
If you are already signed up for recurring reimbursement, be sure to submit an updated Recurring Dependent Care Request Form. This form must be submitted at the start of each new plan year to continue recurring payments.
If you are not already signed up for direct deposit, consider adding it to make you reimbursement as hassle-free as possible. No more checks; funds will be deposited directly into the checking/savings account you specify.
Learn More
For more information about FSAs please visit the Flexible Spending Account benefit page.