Open Enrollment is Coming Soon!
Be sure to log in to Workday during Open Enrollment, Monday, October 7 through Friday, October 25, to elect your benefits for the 2025 benefit year.
Please use this website and the Benefits Guide mailed to your home as tools to select the best benefit options for you and your family. Benefit Guides should arrive at your home the week of October 7.
Open Enrollment is Here!
Be sure to log in to Workday during Open Enrollment, October 7 through October 25, to elect your benefits for the 2025 benefit year.
Please use this website and the Benefits Guide mailed to your home as tools to select the best benefit options for you and your family. Benefit Guides should arrive at your home the week of October 7.
NEW for 2025:
Discount Tire all states except Michigan, Ellisville, Suburban Tire:
- Effective January 1, 2025, United Healthcare (UHC) Medical Insurance is implementing a new maternity program, Maven, which offers 24/7, virtual pregnancy and postpartum support.
- UHC also recently implemented additional health and wellness programs: Calm Health for mental health and One Pass Select, a gym membership program.
- Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) recently implemented additional mental health support through Mindstream.
- Effective January 1, 2025, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) will be our carrier for Medical and Pharmacy Insurance.
- Everyone enrolled in the BCBSIL Medical Insurance as of January 1, 2025, will receive a new benefit card in the mail.
- This card will be used for both medical and pharmacy.
- Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) recently implemented additional mental health support through Mindstream.

Open Enrollment Interactive Benefits Presentation
Stop back Monday, October 7 – Friday, October 25 to watch the 2025 Open Enrollment Benefits Presentation brought to you by the Discount Tire Benefits team.
Open Enrollment Interactive Benefits Presentation
The following interactive benefits presentation provides you with information about the benefits you can elect during Open Enrollment. When prompted, please choose the presentation experience for your location.
What You Need To Do
Even if you’re not making changes to your benefit elections for 2025, be sure to do the following when you log in to Workday:
- Review your Beneficiaries and be sure to add or update your beneficiaries if needed.
- Update your contact info (home address, personal email and phone) to ensure you receive important communications in a timely manner.
IMPORTANT: The following benefits do not automatically renew. If you are currently enrolled and want to continue coverage, be sure to elect the following benefits each year:
- Tobacco Free Affidavit to be eligible for the Company’s Wellness Rates on you medical insurance.
- Healthcare and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts elect and set your payroll deduction amounts.
- Health Savings Account elect and set your payroll deduction amounts.
- Legal Insurance elect this benefit to start or continue coverage.
- Identity Theft Protection elect this benefit to start or continue coverage.
Benefit Information
Click the images below to learn more about the benefits you will elect in Workday during Open Enrollment.
Changes that will apply to these benefits for the 2025 plan year will be noted in BLUE on the benefit pages.
Rate information is available in the Benefits Guide mailed to your home address. Rates will also be shown as you review/elect your benefits in Workday during Open Enrollment.
Other Benefits for Full Time Employees
The following benefits are also offered to all full-time employees but are not elected in Workday during Open Enrollment. Click the links below to learn more about how to take advantage of these other great benefits.
Your are automatically enrolled in the following benefits:
You must enroll/apply for these benefits
(Click the links below to learn more about enrolling in these benefits)